Thursday, November 24, 2016

Best Personal Development Tip - Accept Only What Brings You Joy, Yet Allow All

This article is about developing the most empowering approach, which is knowing that what you can learn and grow from expands your consciousness into a remembrance of the incredible power of love that lives within self. This type of allowance creates incredible joy and fulfillment because you are okay with yourself in all choices and in all moments. 

 Being okay with yourself in all situations doesn't mean you have to like or accept what is occurring in your reality. Just be responsible that it was created exactly the way you wanted it because that is the way you have learned to give or receive your love/acceptance, worth or identity.

 The mind is a computer and will only give back information you have given it. If you have recorded painful emotions surrounding your perception of love, it is those perceptions you project on any given subject, (i.e. relationships or money) that crate your outer reality. It is those buried, suppressed emotions that surround your beliefs on receiving or giving love projected on those subjects that keep you in reactive, robot-like behavior.

 If you feel that the way you have learned to give or receive love will be taken away, it will be more painful for to receive what you say you desire, even if you are unaware of it. Therefore, you will continue to create what you perceive love to be, even if it is painful, until you are ready to be fully responsible for what you create.

Read: The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World

 To change how you are experiencing life, you must change how you feel about what you are creating. To be okay with whatever was created as purposeful and good. Finding the purpose and good allows an instant acceptance of self. In time each experience will build upon itself and the acceptance you seek from others will be found within. Do not misunderstand what I am saying, this doesn't not mean complacency if you desire to continually grow. 

 Complacency is a killer to the human spirit and growth. This only means to create a space for yourself that allows self to be okay and thereby fulfilled in every given moment. What occurs within is a feeling of fulfillment; this creates a feeling of a continued abundance. In abundance there is a feeling of limitless options. One can begin to change their circumstances by creating a basic foundation of feeling abundant through taking the following steps:

 1) Cultivate within self, a desire, motivation and discipline that allows your dreams to become a reality.

 2) Be willing to put forth the effort required to have your dreams fulfilled.

 3) Have an ongoing belief in yourself no matter the perceived obstacles.

 4) Persevere throughout your journey. Know that you and only you are the creator of your reality and no one can do anything to you that you have not chosen to experience.

 As harsh as that may sound, it is a prevailing truth. 'As above, so below,' reveals a continuing ancient metaphor that tells us that whatever is on the inside of us expresses itself on the outside. If you desire long-lasting and unshakeable results to be in your life, know that this only occurs through internal changes.

Veronique's intensive spiritual quest became expressed in her innovative course The Choice Is Mine. The power in her work teaches you how to look at life circumstances so you can know the depth of your potential and act positively on that awareness... to live "your dream life" sooner rather than later. Take that first step go to: & begin re-aliging your subconscious today.

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