Thursday, November 17, 2016

How To Create Successful Habits

Learning how to create successful habits is imperative if you are going to succeed in the long run, in business or in life. Everyone has habits that over the years they have formed, which essentially set the groundwork for the person you will become. Now these habits are not always positive habits that push you in the direction of what you want to achieve. Some are completely destructive and can prevent you from living a successful and prosperous life, others may not really make much of a difference, and then others are very positive and allow you to keep on improving as a person.

 Now it is not a quick thing to do, forming a positive habit, they are formed through consciously making the effort to do something every single day for many weeks, months and sometimes even years, until you begin to start doing them without thinking about it. Your subconscious mind takes control and this is when you know that you have successfully made it a habit.

You can also break bad habits too and one of the best ways to do this is changing the person you believe yourself to be. You consciously make an effort to change your self-image by no longer seeing yourself as the person who smokes or the person who drinks or the person who is lazy and never exercises. You begin to think every day about the person you have decided to be and get that clear in your mind. You begin to hold yourself as that person and if you ever speak about yourself, you always refer to yourself as that new person with better habits.

So you know that habits form the person you become, I now want to take some time to go through 3 habits that I have applied in my life to great effect and I feel have benefited me massively in improving my self-image, self-confidence, health and given me personal power to go after all of the my goals.

Walk/Run Every Day

This is such a simple practice that you can initiate immediately in your daily routine and if you can form a habit of doing this every day, then you are well on the way to becoming far more healthy in the long term, lowering the risks of common diseases and also giving you far more energy during the day. This will make you much more effective in your life, your business, whatever it is you choose to put your efforts into. It's just a bonus that you will also look very aesthetically pleasing if that get into this, I mean come on, how bad does that sound?

Healthy Home Cooked Meals

Now I am not doing to go deep into detail about this one as there is a lot to cover when it comes down to it, but what I want to say with this is that healthy eating can be made far easier with preparation, so cooking your meals the day before and having them ready to go the next day is a great way to ensure you know what it is going into your food and leading a far more healthy lifestyle with far less processed foods.

Visualize The Person You Want To Be 

Put yourself in the shoes of the person that you want to become. See yourself as the person who reaches all their goals, has the life you want and do it in vivid detail. You need to train your own mind to believe that you are already this person, then your subconscious mind will always be looking at ways to make it happen.So there are some great habits to form on a daily basis. Eventually you will realize the amazing potential in creating some simple habits on a daily basis and learning how to create successful habits isn't that hard after all.

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